Interview // collective WOMANMADE
collective WOMANMADE is a collection of jewelry and objects experimenting with wearable sculpture. 2013 founded in Berlin by Stephane Johne it is based now in Vienna, inspired by the complex aesthetic of the organic. designs feature textures, colors and shapes that were found in nature – the sea, the mountains or the desert – and seek to reconsider and encourage feminity.

1. What are your life essentials --What do you carry with you at all time?
A lively mind, an old heirloom silver ring from my grandmother and a notebook.
A lively mind, an old heirloom silver ring from my grandmother and a notebook.
2. Who was your most previous text/call to and what about?
A friend in trouble who needed a friend.
3. Last meal you would eat?
Korean, Bibimbap (vegan version)
Korean, Bibimbap (vegan version)
4. Most influential person in your life?
Myself, and pretty much everybody who crossed my path, we all leave tracks.
Myself, and pretty much everybody who crossed my path, we all leave tracks.
5. Tried and true methods against creative block?
Go out – among people, art or nature – be present, inhale what surrounds you, exhale the bullshit that’s blocking you from letting creativity happen.

Go out – among people, art or nature – be present, inhale what surrounds you, exhale the bullshit that’s blocking you from letting creativity happen.

6. What are some inspiration things, designs, artists, music, sites that you find yourself re-vistiting often?
Long time favourites: Georgia O’Keeffe, Louise Bourgeois, Kurt Vile, War on Drugs, Pinterest, right now also: Alice Phoebe Lou, Christiane Spangsberg
Long time favourites: Georgia O’Keeffe, Louise Bourgeois, Kurt Vile, War on Drugs, Pinterest, right now also: Alice Phoebe Lou, Christiane Spangsberg
7. If you could have 3 people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would you invite?
My grandmother, and I guess Isabel Allende, Joan Didion. Hard question though…
My grandmother, and I guess Isabel Allende, Joan Didion. Hard question though…
8. Favorite cities? Why?
Stockholm – my happy place, so much memories and close friends
Stockholm – my happy place, so much memories and close friends
Berlin – no reasons needed, eternal love story
LA – current place of longing
9. Favorite drinks?
Water, Kombucha, a good glass of red wine
Water, Kombucha, a good glass of red wine
10. Likes/dislikes? (just a short list, one word answers)
Likes: consciousness, love, family & friends
Dislikes: unconsciousness, plastic, hate