Interview // Lacy Barry
Where are you originally from?
I’m from the Canadian Rocky Mountains, where the nature is so pretty everything looks like a postcard.
Where are you based and What brought you there?
I live in Berlin, where it doesn’t look like a postcard, but I made a Berlin postcard so I guess now it does. I came to Berlin by accident, ended up staying then found out my Grandma grew up in Leipzig, so I guess life works in circles… still had to apply for a visa though, guess she gave up her German passport when she became a Canadian citizen (different times), *schade*

What is your favorite flavor of your city?
It was a hearty beef stew but I’ve been meat free since last year so I guess now it’s a halloumi wrap and Ayran, yummm salty.
Best recommendations for your city; Favorite dinner/Brunch/cocktails/ secret location
Secret Location; That yummy halloumi wrap and Ayran place at Schliescheshshsh Tor.

What are your life essentials—What do you carry with you at all time?
a gun? (Haha no no I’m not ‘Merican) … really, what I have in my satchel now is: a book about remote Islands ( written by a lady who grew up in the GDR and will probably never visit these islands), my wallet because money… & ID, banana shaped lip gloss that smells like banana flavoured medicine (my sister agrees). Glitter; even if I cannot see it, a speck is always lurking somewhere, usually it’s on my face.

What is your plan for today, this week and this year?
Hmm there’s a lot of influential people in my life who have influenced me, but for now here is a list:
What are some inspiration things: designs, artists, music, sites that you find yourself re-visiting often?
Instagram (unfortunately) lol, mixes on NTS, podcasts about ghost stories, my mentors studio, actual museums, websites about strange history or abandoned places ( sites at random), starring a long time without blinking at textured patterns before they start looking 3D.
Tried and true methods against creative block?
Walks, but only to the grocery store. Trying to pet a fish. Pretending to live in another dimension …as a plant …and never looking at my phone.
Likes/dislikes? (just a short list, one word answers)
Likes: going outside, nature walks, riding my bike, lake swimming, making stuff, getting an envelope full of glitter, fine tea, fluffy surfaces, seitan, many colors, tailored hair styles, cats, beautiful shoes.
Dislikes: Freud, college bros, Labatt Blue & hockey (yes it is true), fear mongering conspiracies, Woody Allen, Papaya ( I’ve tried I’ve really tried) straight up misogyny and racism ( I mean if you like those, we cannot be friends)