Interview // We Are Still BB

WE ARE STILL BB is a fashion street label  created in 2013 by the Greek couple Elena and Yiorgos. This explosive duo both come from an artistic background : Elena was an architect and Yiorgos a graphic designer.

Their adventure began during a particularly boring winter in Greece. Feeling the need to  keep themselves busy in a creative way, they came up with the idea to explore the old fabrics factories of their island. And the magic happened ! They had a lot of fun creating their first fashion pieces and decided to master their technique.

What are your life essentials --What do you carry with you at all time?
E: phone, bottle of water, lip balm
G: a baby pencil from ikea

Who was your most previous text/call to and what about?

E: Trying to meet a friend at the U-bahn "Super will be there in 5"
G: about a flat viewing in Friedrichshain
Last meal you would eat?
E: Souvlaki
G: Juicy thanksgiving Turkey
Most influential person in your life?
E: My family
G: R. W. Fassbinder
Tried and true methods against creative block?
E: go through my books, visit a bookstore
G: go for running or a long walk in nature
What are some inspiration things, designs, artists, music, sites that you find yourself re-visιting often?
E: Karl Holmquist, Ader Error, Inga Copeland and many more
G:,, Berghain
If you could have 3 people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would you invite?

E: a Minoan woman, an Aztec woman and a Geisha
G: Samantha Jones, George Constanza, Larry David
Favorite cities? Why?

E: at the moment Berlin, that’s why I moved here
G: Berlin/ Berghain
Favorite drinks?

E: beer with whisky shots
G: Jever Beer
Likes/dislikes? (just a short list, one word answers)
E & G: Likes: cats Dislikes: greed