Quarantine Stories // Sibilla Santucci
Sibilla Santucci has created her own brand of jewellery bearing her name. She is an Italian contemporary jewellery designer and maker based between Florence and Berlin.

What City are you in and what is the situation there?
I am in Berlin - Friedrichshain.
Here in Berlin things are changing day by day, and while I am living here, I am constantly checking on my hometown Florence. As you know, Italy got hit very hard, and so my thoughts are also with my country.
Unlike in Italy, here in Berlin, we are not experiencing a total lockdown. The quarantine entails people to practice social-distancing, all non-essential services have been ordered to close temporarily.
However, we are still allowed to go outside to exercise, have a walk, and so on.
The Berlin government has extended the measures in place to reduce the spread of coronavirus until April 19th. But officials say some restrictions could be in place throughout the year.
"As you know, Italy got hit very hard, and so my thoughts are also with my country. "
How do your days look like during Quarantine?
One good thing about the quarantine is that it has forced me to focus on self-care. I wake up with the goal of taking care of myself first. My routine is enhanced by everyday rituals, from meditation to yoga, and I am putting more effort and care into daily tasks, such as cooking more elaborate, high quality and healthy food.
I used to meet a lot of friends and be surrounded by people. While I am a highly sociable person, this isolation has been positive in that it is the first time that I have a schedule that revolves around my needs and wants. I'm focusing on fitness, and taking online classes (eg. creative design), as well as improving my English and German.
Moreover, I am putting effort into developing new ideas, new designs, and a new collection that can hopefully fit into the new post coronavirus world.
I'm trying to keep myself physically and mentally fit. And when it's possible, turn off my smartphone and computer and really get some rest. Talk to no-one, think about nothing.
"While I am a highly sociable person, this isolation has been positive in that it is the first time that I have a schedule that revolves around my needs and wants."

What is the biggest difference between your life now and pre quarantine?
I was used to having a regular social life and meeting friends often.
I lived between Florence and Berlin and was used to taking a flight to Italy quite frequently for work and family. I could be in Italy in 2 hours, so I felt like the border didn't exist. It is the first time that I'm feeling so far away, like Germany and Italy are a world apart.
"I felt like the border between Florence and Berlin didn't exist."
What do you miss most from pre-quarantine?
I am missing the freedom to go wherever I want.
I miss the feeling of seeing people vis-à-vis. In a video meeting you can see others, but you cannot feel their energy and their essence. I think a deeper connection is possible only with a real interaction, and I miss the human warmth and touch.
I miss the feeling of seeing people vis-à-vis. In a video meeting you can see others, but you cannot feel their energy and their essence. I think a deeper connection is possible only with a real interaction, and I miss the human warmth and touch.
"In a video meeting you can see others, but you cannot feel their energy and their essence."

Lessons you have learnt in Quarantine?
As I have mentioned, there are some plus sides to the isolation. Through this, I have gotten more in touch with myself and what I need to do to improve myself..
I have also learned that we shouldn't procrastinate the important things like making time for loved ones.
I have also learned that we shouldn't procrastinate the important things like making time for loved ones.
"I have also learned that we shouldn't procrastinate the important things."
Plans for now, plans for the future?
I am trying to accept the current situation, aware that the world is changing. I am focusing, as much as I can, on the present moment because the future is uncertain.
Of course, as soon as it is possible, I want to hug my family and friends again. My long term plans involve releasing my new jewellery collection onto the market
Of course, as soon as it is possible, I want to hug my family and friends again. My long term plans involve releasing my new jewellery collection onto the market
"I am focusing, as much as I can, on the present moment because the future is uncertain."

What would you tell your pre-quarantined self?
“Carpe Diem”
Favourite new hobby, pastime you have discovered.
I now have more time to dedicate to existing hobbies.
I have become a real 'casalinga'. (laughs)