Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of I Heart Berlin.
So he keeps everyone else busy and makes that everything comes together nicely in the end. He is also the one organizing the events or products, but he usually does this together with at least one or more members of the team.

Where are you originally from and what brought you to Berlin?
I'm from a city a bit north of Berlin at the baltic sea. I came here to study and kind of stuck around ever since because I found no other place like Berlin.
I'm from a city a bit north of Berlin at the baltic sea. I came here to study and kind of stuck around ever since because I found no other place like Berlin.
"I found no other place like Berlin."
What is your favorite place (restaurant, cafe, bar, etc.) in Berlin and why?
As someone who basically writes about all the cool places in town, it feels almost impossible to name just one. As a gastronomic/retail concept for sure, Hallesches Haus is a stand-out for me. I also love the food court Kantini at Bikini Berlin, such a great design and great food. The courtyard of Father Carpenter is also such a magical space. And as a nightlife spot TRAUMA is an absolute highlight right now.
"It feels almost impossible to name just one."

Photographer: Lovis Ostenrik Model:Frank @frankfromberlin Ring(left): IAAI Ring(right) and Necklace:Gina Melosi Jacket: IMAIMA
What essential item do you carry with you at all times?
Hm, that's a hard one... I always carry tissues with me. Always ready for a little sneeze ;)
Do you have an everyday ritual?
The 5-star breakfast I make with my husband almost every day became a bit of a ritual. We really cherish this time together, make a real effort with the food and take our time.
"We really cherish the breakfast together."
What project or plan of yours are you most looking forward to in the near future?
We have actually a lot in the making at iHeartBerlin, but because of the pandemic, it would be unwise to already talk about it, because you never know how things could change. But on a personal level, I can't wait for my first dip in one of the many lakes around Berlin.
"You never know how things could change."

Photographer: Lovis Ostenrik Model: Frank @frankfromberlin Ring(left): IAAI Ring(right): Gina Melosi Jacket: IMAIMA
Who is the most influential person in your life?
I get influenced a lot by all of my team members. They are all so different and come with different opinions and interests. I like the mix of that.
What are your tried and true methods against creative block?
From personal experience, I can say it helps to go to Latin America for a few months per year, crawl through the jungle, or sit on tip of 4000+m mountain. It really shifts things in perspective and lets you pull your head out of your own ass.
"I can say it helps to go to Latin America for a few months per year."
What designers, artists, musicians, or places inspire you?
For me, the most inspiring thing is Berlin itself. This might sound cheesy, but I think such a particular and unique city, that never stops changing and surprising me with what goes on in it.